Cheetah Light CL-360 | First look


Shortly after landing in Dallas today, I zoomed over to Cheetah Stand to meet up with my good friend Edward Tang. After an hour or so of catching up… Edward made it Christmas in July!

I’ll be giving these two Cheetah Light 360’s a good workout over the next few days and I’ll be sure to post a more in-depth review when I return home next week.

Below are the pieces and part shown in the above video.

2-Cheetah Light CL-360 Combos
1-19″ Fabric Beauty Dish / Octagon Softbox
-60 Degree grid for 5″ inch reflector… for more info, call Edward at (214) 734-1198.
1-Cheetah C12 Light Stand
1-Phottix Multi-Boom

JVS & Edward Tang

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